About Major
The Marketing concentration offered by the Business Institute at CIC provides students with the opportunity to develop skills that enable them to function in different marketing roles while working closely and effectively with other business functions. Students usually choose their area of specialization at the beginning of their third academic year, they get to study market research, digital marketing, advertising, etc. along with training provided by industry professionals every year to the students to prepare them for the job market upon graduation.
Program Objectives
The department’s goals come from the institute’s goals and vision, aimed to serve the community and create a highly qualified graduate who is capable of challenging the architecture market, distinguished by his capabilities in solving problems and inventing creative designs with the possibility of preserving the surrounding environment
What will I learn?
You’ll study marketing techniques that stress business development through communication, research, marketing strategies, sales techniques, and analysis. Learn how to reach out to potential customers, through market research, understanding your brand and your product, identifying your competitive advantage, and communicating it to the market that will help you reach your targets.
Career Path
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the prin ting and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,
Proceeding Publication All papers / abstracts accepted for presentation in this conference will be Blind Peer Reviewed and will be published in the conference abstract book of proceeding with an ISBN in a soft form. Publication Opportunity in Conference Associated Journals All papers of the conference will also be reviewed jointly by Review Board and respective Journals reviewing teams. All the selected authors will be offered for publication in indexed associated journals subject to the compliance with journals guidelines, terms and conditions. Associated journals will allocate a special / regular issue for papers submitted to this conference. Important Note All Authors are acknowledged that we have some journals associated with conference, which charge publication fee. So if paper is accepted in those Journals authors will be requested to pay publication fee. If paper accepted in Journal which has no fee so authors will get free of cost online publication.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 6
Semester 7
Semester 8
(only 3 courses = 9 Crd Hours)
Pick 3 Courses
Institute Elective (only 3 courses = 9 Crd Hours)
Pick 3 Courses
Specialized elective (only 4 courses = 12 Crd Hours)
PhD in Philosophy of Science, university of abredon , 1987.
M.SC in Science, Aswan University, 1979.
B.Sc in Science, Cairo University, 1974.
PhD in Business Administration, Sadat Academy, 2005.
M.SC in Business Administration, Sadat Academy, 2001.
B.Sc in Business Administration, Alexandria University, 1991.
Head of Department Message
CIC helped me throughout my years of study by boosting and improving a lot of skills required nowadays in the market, I also attended employment fairs, mock interviews and soft skills training sessions that helped me a lot to set up my goals and practice to show strengths and skills that the potential employer looking for.
I would describe my experience at CIC as it was joyful and useful experience and great journey qualified me to a better future, CIC taught me a lot not only through courses I took but also through practical applications and the flexibility to mingle in the CICIAN community and activities. I’m still connected to CIC through CIC Alumni.